Green Budgeting

Green Budgeting is a research activity conducted by the Institute for Economic and Social Research, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia (LPEM FEB UI). This research aims to promote the implementation of green budgeting in Indonesia, especially at the regional level. LPEM FEB UI has been conducting Green Budgeting research since 2015 and will continue it in the form of activities that support the central and regional governments as well as stakeholders related to green budgeting.

The research is conducted in four provinces: East Nusa Tenggara (Southwest Sumba, Central Sumba, West Sumba, East Sumba), West Nusa Tenggara (Central Lombok, East Lombok, North Lombok), Jambi (Muaro Jambi, Merangin, Kerinci, and East Tanjung Jabung), and West Sulawesi (Mamuju, Mamasa). LPEM FEB UI also collaborates with local academics from Universitas Jambi, Universitas Mataram, Universitas Nusa Cendana, and Universitas Sulawesi Barat. Activities in this research include Multi-Stakeholder Forums (MSF), field surveys to central and regional governments and households, training for regional governments, and Technical Assistance (TA). All these activities aim to disseminate knowledge and enhance the capacity of stakeholders related to the implementation of green budgeting.

The Green Budgeting website serves as a platform to disseminate knowledge and enhance the capacity of stakeholders related to green budgeting. This website contains products and information related to green budgeting that are expected to support the implementation of green budgeting.